Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Going Dark

Hey folks!

I'm afraid the blog will be taking a bit of a break for the next little while. I'm going to be backpacking for the next couple of weeks, and once the tour resumes, I'm pretty sure we will be without internet. I'm told we're in a nature park a good twenty minutes by car from the nearest public transport stop. I'm going to guess there won't be a cafe nearby whose internet I can mooch. And as it's a long stint with no end in sight (extensions have yet to be confirmed), who knows when I'll be able to share more adventures.

But never fear, we will be back!

Until next time...

UPDATE: I may have some time this evening to get some posts together (I have maybe half a dozen drafts just waiting to be posted), so hopefully I can schedule a couple of posts for the next couple of weeks. But once we hit Lyon, there's no telling when I'll be able to post again as the chances of having internet there will be slim to none.

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