Monday, September 14, 2009


Well hello there!

I haven't written in (over) a month and I'm sure you must be puzzling your puzzler about what I've been up to. Well, up until a week ago, the answer was nothing. I was still on vacation, still without a wheel, and pretty darned bummed about the whole of it.

To break up this monotony during this time off, however, I started having mad back pain for no reason at all. Just the Universe's way of keepin' it real, I suppose.

Also, I'm back in France.

As you can imagine, these things combined have not amounted to anything terribly good. The repercussions on both the show, my mental and physical health, not to mention my wallet, have been many and not usually good.

But all these lovely stories will come to light in due time. After a four day stint in Dole, we now have another two weeks off. And as much as I'd love to start to fill you in on the latest trials and tribulations of this saltimbanque, I'm afraid I have yet another doctor's appointment to attend.