Friday, April 23, 2010


For reasons unknown, I have been avoiding my blog lately. It's not that I haven't had anything to write about. In fact, there have been heaps of things worth writing about and I keep taking pictures of things with the sole purpose of posting them here. And yet there are no updates to be seen.

There has been a lot going on, mind you. And my mind has been occupied with some rather heavy life related things. And considering Blogger sometimes causes my computer to crash... well, you get the idea.

So hopefully my pluck will be restored very soon and I will once again regale you with the hilarity of circus life.

Until then, here is a picture of a giraffe:

I'd say that about sums up how I feel quite nicely.

Quite nicely indeed.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Bust Out the Magnets and Clear Off the Fridge!

The following drawings were sent to the troupe by Haute Amance Elementary School! Seriously, drawings from kids who've seen the show is one of my favourite things to find in my inbox.

It's me!

This child seem to get a kick out of two things:

1 - My act.

2 - All the elements of nudity in the show, from A's junk (left), B's painted breasts (right), and of course, the poster (middle). Because one set of boobs just wasn't enough.

Me again! This time with the two clowns.


This kid drew half the troupe! We've got some German wheel, straps, the magic act, trampoline, clowns, and one of the many moments of painting in the show.


To the untrained eye (or anyone who hasn't seen the show) this may not look like much. But to those in the know (or those who have seen the show over 100 times), we clearly have the clowns, the papys peintres and the magic act.

I love the many ways I've seen German wheels drawn from memory. I'm impressed that Alexis included the handles!

Throughout these pictures I have had blond hair, brown hair and black hair. Interesting how memory works, no?

It reminds me of the part in The Little Prince where the author explains that in his drawings, he is certain to get more important details wrong.

The most important thing, I suppose, is not the image, but the memory of it and how it made you feel.

For the most part, I get this drawing. It's a drawing of the magic act.

But the bell like thing on the right? Hm... Maybe C's kite? A part of the show I just can't see from the wings?

I like that there's only one colour detail in this drawing.

Very classy and a great way to show the trampoline number!

And of course, some clowns and our resident juggler for good measure.

It's magic! The magic number anyway.

And yes, I do know how its done, but no, I won't share those details with you.

And last but not least, another full out group tableau!

From trampoline to magic, clowns to juggling, what I initially thought was wheel to what may actually be the couscous scene (don't ask)... this kid adored our circus.

It says so on his drawing.

Many thanks to you, Haute Amance Elementary School! Come back any time!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Wreck This Journal Update II

Wreck this what now? I wouldn't be surprised if you have no idea what I'm talking about. After all, the last time I posted about my Wreck This Journal was over a year ago*! But fret not! That doesn't mean I've been sitting peaceably by while my journal remains unscathed! True, I may have left it alone (except for the occasional fruit sticker), but the destruction is back in full swing!

It's strange. The more I wreck the journal, the more beautiful I find it. Who knew destruction could be beautiful? More interestingly, the renewed devotion to destruction is thanks to a rather difficult time I'm currently going through. I'll let you create your own cliché about spiritual torment and art.

Anyhoo, here are some pics of the latest wrecky goodness!

* This may have been posted just over a year later, but when I wrote this entry, it was to the day. How weird is that?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Far From Sketchy

We had two stagières with us last week and they left us this lovely drawing (and a basket of Easter goodies) as a thank you.

It's the final scene of the show and really quite well done. So thank you, Sevil and Fanny!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's a Dirty Job...

What my hands look like after my act.

...but somebody's got to do it.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Welcome to the Swamp!

The circus is back home in Franche-Comte. And that can mean only one thing...



Puddles, and more rain.

Welcome to the swamp!

No Rest for the Wicked, Part III

The evil flu that has the circus in its grip has struck again. This time, bright and early Easter morning. And you know that means... right before a matinee!


"Ug" would be the sound that various acrobats, musicians and technicians make as they groggily make their way into the Chapiteau to rearrange the show, yet again.

We prepared for the worst. Once again it was one of the acrobats that got sick. Only L does a solo trampoline number, a hand to hand number and is the work horse in the group trampoline act. We were going to have a hell of a time replacing her on such short notice. There was talk of canceling the show.

Fortunately, women are made of tougher things than men folk. You see, unlike A who missed a couple of shows, C did her act when she was sick, and L did both trampoline numbers despite having spent the entire night with the porcelain princess. I think it's fair to say that she is the definition of hardcore. She did, however, skip the hand to hand act because barfing on her partner's face would have been rude.


That meant coming up with a new transition between my act and... I don't even know any more. The show just keeps changing... whatever came next, we made a new transition into it. The joke was that we shouldn't make it too good or the director would want to keep it.

The show went reasonably well. I was preoccupied during my act because I kept thinking about the new transition that was coming up next. There was confusion during the straps act over who was doing what manipulation when, plus other assorted scramblings.

Here's hoping that tomorrow everyone arrives with digestive systems under control, body temperatures normal, and all fingers and toes accounted for.

* If you can't read the text on the image, it says: "Fact: Girls are tougher than tigers."

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter! You're Cut!

With all the changes that have been taking place in the show, there were bound to be casualties. How fitting, then, that Le Lapin get cut from the show on Easter weekend.

Which kind of makes me think of this:

So long sweet Lapin! You will live on, if not in our hearts, in this blog post.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

No Rest for the Wicked, Part II

First, A developed some kind of flu of death that left him completely out of commission for four days. Then, R caught a milder version of it and, being a musician, managed to get through the show, albeit with difficulty. Now, C seems to be the latest victim.

She did the show last night, though with a lighter version of her number. She also looked more like death warmed over than the sultry model she is supposed to portray in the show. But props to her for doing not only her act, but also the group trampoline act! Had it been me, I'd have sat that one out.

We did, of course, spend a good chunk of the afternoon coming up with a plan "B". Its a good thing we didn't have to do it though because it was the worst plan "B" ever. Admittedly, it really was the only option, it just wasn't a good one.

So, since we lucked out with C performing, the circus gods instead chose to throw numerous technical difficulties our way. Ropes getting stuck and dangling limply on stage, pulleys falling apart right before their moment of glory, L spraining his thumb mid-way though the show, and my personal favourite, A coming on stage without his costume because he couldn't find it. That was a classic for the ages. Especially since the other three of us were disguised as picture frames... my did he look out of place...

We've done three shows. There are three weeks to go. I'd ask what else can go wrong but frankly, I don't want to know.