Tuesday, January 31, 2012


This is the moon.

The moon is made by having D, A, and myself lay down a on a giant mirror so that our projected reflection makes the above shape. It's always a bit of a gong show to try and get in place quickly and discretely, and in order to create the shape, we need to squish together/lay on top of each other.

You'd think that being in such close proximity would lead to some rather uncomfortable events. Amazingly, that has not been the case... until now.

It was a show like any other. We were almost done with the moon when A utters the unthinkable:

"Oh no... I have to sneeze..."

At this moment, A has his face buried in my hair. Before I can even get the horrified words out, it happens, and I feel the place of impact hot and humid on my head.

That's when we burst out laughing.

And they say that close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades...

Monday, January 30, 2012

You Can Look, But With Your Eyes Shut: The Quebecois Circus

Not too long ago this article from Sideshow magazine started making the rounds on Facebook. It's a really interesting read, even if it does offer a rather harsh look at the Montreal circus scene. As a circus artist native to Montreal, there were definitely elements of this article that I found to be overly critical and even unfair. But at the same time, there are many points that the author raises that I not only agree with, but had always thought that I was the only one who felt that way or that perhaps it was just my bitterness talking.

All that aside, the article truly does delve deep into not only the Montreal scene, but the role of circus in Quebec in general. Covering the three major companies, the schools, Tohu and the festival, this article really does leave no stone unturned.

I highly recommend you give it a read.

And the Winners Are...


Héloïse Bourgeois and William Underwood
Les 7 Doigts de la Main
Chinese Pole

Tatiana-Mosio Bongonga
Democratic Republic of Congo / France

Canada / France

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Better Late Than Never! Cirque de Demain Edition

Hey there, fans of circus!

This weekend marked the 33rd annual Festival Cirque de Demain de Paris. I, however, am in London, Ontario and until today, have had no access to the internet. As I'm in full on family event mode, I've barely given the festival a second thought.

I'm not too sure what's been going on, though I do know a few of my friends and colleagues made it to the laureate show, so there's some good news on that front. But why read this information light post when you can watch the video online?



Saturday, January 28, 2012


Ladies and gentleman, it's time to start placing your bets.

What are we betting on, you ask?

We're betting on how long it will take for Cirque du Soleil to use Hockern in one of its shows.

Never heard of Hockern? Neither had I until just recently.

Hockern is a sport from Germany that combines dance, juggling, acrobatics and most importantly, sitting.

That's right, sitting.

You see, no sequence is complete until you sit down on the Sporthocker. So basically, its a lot of gymnastics at the end of which the gymnast sits down.

Strange as that sounds, it's really pretty cool to watch. If I were to look at it from an artistic point of view, I would have to say that sitting between each sequence kind of breaks the flow of an otherwise really beautiful and interesting series of movements. Technically, I can see how having to sit between each sequence means you need to maintain some serious control over what you're doing. Plus, if you do it right, sitting down on your prop after a cool series of movements can make you look like a boss.

Apparently, competitions are held regularly throughout German night clubs. You can compete solo, or as a synchronized team. The best players are currently known as the Hockstars, and the most prestigious event is, and I'm not making this up, Hocktoberfest.

Check it out:

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Aw, Man!

How do I not notice when this happens? And how do I manage to get paint on myself underneath my costume? You know, I once had paint my face like a big gash over my eye? Ridiculous. Just ridiculous.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Just Me Then?

Has it ever happened to you that you’re in the shower and you just can’t seem to scrub off some bit of dirt, and then you realize you’ve just spent the last couple of minutes trying to wash off a bruise?


Just me then?


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012


I remember when I started here, I would always be excited about the possibility of a run of shows being extended in a given city. It was always marked on the calendar as an option and always struck me as a big deal. One more week by popular demand! Yeah!

I was then told flat out that we almost never do the options.

Well, never say never, my friend. If this show has been about anything (aside from having replacements) it’s been about doing the options.

We extended in Besancon. We extended in Dijon. We extended twice in Lyon, and I have a pretty good feeling about the possible extensions in Toulouse and Strasbourg.

But that’s nothing. You know why? Because now the show has been extended. Forget June 2012. This bad boy is going until December 2012!


Because it’s convenient to the director… why else?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Stop SOPA and PIPA

By now, everyone has heard of SOPA and PIPA. If you're still unsure what it's all about, Dante Shepard, the author of the comic shown above, offers a clear and concise summation of what it's all about. Certainly far better than I ever could.

If you are American or live in the US, please contact your representatives and let them know that you are against SOPA and PIPA. If you're not American but have friends or family in the US, encourage them to do so.

Wikimedia has a link to find your representatives here.

You can learn more about these to proposed bills here.

UPDATE: Are you a global citizen wanting to take action? Go here.

UPDATE: TED talks explains it all...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Circus as Sport

I've seen videos of Indian pole gymnastics, but never Indian rope gymnastics. I've got to say, I find it pretty fascinating. In circus, I typically like rope. But this isn't anything like the rope acts I'm used to seeing. My initial thoughts consisted mostly of "Their legs are bare! Their legs are bare! How are they not burnt and bleeding? Dear lord, that must hurt like crazy!"

Then I started to pay attention to what they were doing.

I'm not too keen on the whole "do everything as fast as humanly possible" method, and some of the elements that can only be compulsories (I'm looking at you, pike position) seem unnecessary, but there is some neat stuff in this sport! I love that they have dismounts, and the drops to single knee hang where they aren't so much locked in as holding on with their toes is nothing short of awesome.

Having competed at the German wheel world championships and also having completed coaching certification for wheel, I would be very curious to know what the rules and required elements are for this sport.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Close Enough

The stage was just repainted and all the marks had to be redone. I was lucky enough to be able to see my old mark beneath the paint so I just put a new line of tape over top.

Fast-forward to today’s show. I was in the middle of my act and had just placed my wheel for the diagonal. After a couple of hundred shows, I’m pretty good about manipulating my wheel to just about the right spot at the right angle without too much hassle. But tonight, I was way off. I mean, seriously way off. The angle that my wheel was at and the angle that my mark was at almost seemed perpendicular to each other. But I looked out in front of me and the angle seemed good. I was behind the mark so I knew that I had enough space to do the line. As such, I ignored my mark and kept going.

After I finished my act and was getting changed for the next part of the show, one of the technicians came up to me in a rush and said “When we were cleaning the stage last night, your mark came off the floor. We put it back where we thought it was supposed to go but forgot to tell you. Sorry.”

I started to laugh and told him it was okay. I noticed that the angle was funky so I just had ignored the mark.

As he walked away it hit me that that mark makes sure I don’t fall off the stage. That’s really not the kind of information you want to neglect to pass on.

It’s a good thing I pay attention and don’t just blindly follow bits of tape.

After the show, I went with the technicians to look where my mark was and where it should have been. We corrected the mistake and redid the mark. This time, in ink.

Friday, January 13, 2012

A Work of Art

I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned before that we paint at the end of the show. Well the other night one of my colleagues did a painting of me! Seeing as it’s awesome, I thought I’d share.

Thanks, B!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


The last act of the show is a group trampoline-wall act. It’s not the most technical of numbers by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s high energy with lots of different things happening all over the place, and really, it’s just a lot of fun. It’s a great way to end a show.

It’s also a great vehicle for hilarity.

Yup, there’s no greater combination for comedy than an object that will fling you into the void with no mercy, and the unyielding eyes of all your colleagues upon you.

One night, I barely managed to pull off this rinky-dink figure that I do at the very beginning of the act. I swear, if my arms weren’t as strong as they are, there’s no way I would have made it back to the wall. M thought my failed attempt at full turn to sit was hilarious and, hidden behind the wall, laughed his ass off. Fortunately, karma was on my side and he damn near bit the dust after flailing through his solo a little later on.

But that’s nothing. The past two nights have offered some quality falls.

First there was H. There’s a moment in the act where he purposely falls off the trampoline. He actually executes it brilliantly; it’s a wonderful fall that covers at least three metres. But that night, something was amiss. I think he actually got caught on the padding over the springs and basically, he just dropped to the floor like a stone. It should be noted that at this moment, the entire troupe is watching him. The six of us acrobats started laughing and could not stop for the remainder of the number. A, who actually disappears into a hole just after H falls, could be heard laughing from wherever the hell it is he lands. It was awesome.

But it gets even better!

The very next night, A took a spill. I know I shouldn’t take pleasure in other people’s mistakes (look at what happened to M), but when you see someone falling, and you can see that they’re very much aware of what’s going on spatially, and you can tell they’re going to be okay, you really can’t help it.

Well A’s fall was just that kind. Not only that, it happened in multiple stages so it was almost like watching it in slow motion.

It all seemed to go to hell when he tried to do the cat twist. Normally he does a double but he was off and singled out. It looked like one of those situations where you know you gave too much so, mid-move and mid-air, you stop doing anything at all and just wait for the botched attempt at the skill to be over. Fine. No problem. Happens all the time.

Except for whatever reason, when he landed in the bed, he got turned around in the bounce back up. Then, inexplicably, he ended up underneath the padding with his head in the springs. He was then unceremoniously ejected from the trampoline and landed on the stage with a loud thud.

The audience applauded heartily.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Joke’s On You!

There are a number of practical jokers in the troupe, so it’s not at all uncommon to find yourself in the middle of some strange war or other. For example, the two clowns seem to be going through a phase where they place each other’s belongings in trees. Camping chairs, bicycles, and such like…

Well, one Sunday matinee where the levels of concentration were particularly low, A bested everyone. He managed to pull a doozy on… himself.

We were getting into position for his number. At this time, I cross paths with the bass player. Normally he makes some silly face or weird noise to try and make D and I laugh. But this time, he made awkward hand gestures and a big sad frowny face.

Uncomprehending, I turned to face centre stage when I saw A with a face like a deer in the headlights. He was holing the bass player’s bow in his hands and it was quickly dawning on him that his really awesome joke might not be so awesome after all.

Incredulous, I stared at him unsure how to proceed. I know I’ve mentioned in the past that I actually love a little bit of on stage drama, and this kind of situation was right up my alley. His act involves a lot of personal torment (don’t ask) and there’s a lot of maniacal swinging involved, so the bow was definitely in danger. Plus, L kind of needed the thing to play the music properly.

A’s first instinct was to place the bow in the middle of the stage. Not the best choice, if you ask me. Then he considered trying to slide it over the few meters it needed to travel in order to get to where the bassist was standing. Seeing as a bow isn’t the heartiest of objects, it’s a good thing A quickly thought better of that attempt.

In the meantime, I kept mouthing to D that I was going to get it. I didn’t know how and I didn’t know when, but I was going to get it. Finally, a moment presented itself, and in act that I can only hope made sense theatrically, I retrieved the bow.

Of course now I was brandishing the bow like an idiot with a sword. Plus, it still had to find it’s way to the bassist’s hands. And for the life of me, I couldn’t remember at what point the bow was needed for the music, so it had to happen fast. With some more quick thinking and what I thought was some pretty smooth moves, I got the bow to L.

L’s reaction to the whole thing was something along the lines of “Whatever, man. It’s his own music that he’s screwing up. Not my problem.”

A, on the other hand, staggered into the next scene in a daze muttering something about being fired…

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Overheard Backstage

“I hate clowns. The only good clown is a dead clown.”

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Oh Right, That

As I’ve mentioned, N will soon be taking a leave of absence for medical reasons, as well as the birth of his baby. His replacement, who conveniently shares the same first name, has just arrived to get into show shape.

It should be noted that N the second will be taking N the first’s place in the show in one week. For the most part, N the second will only be replacing N the first as a musician. With one or two exceptions, most of the major character moments have been distributed to other cast members. There are, mind you, all the back stage cues and manipulations to learn, the order of the show, and of course, the pesky little detail of his costume.

Our N and his replacement have completely different body types. N the second tried wearing N the first’s costume today and wow… I mean… poor guy. It doesn’t suit him at all, which can be overlooked for a run of six shows. But the sleeves of the jacket are much too short for him, and the pants not only make him look like he’s wearing a diaper, but they keep falling off of him.

Of course no one thought to check out the costume situation when N the second was here a month ago. Today the director, in his infuriating way, just stated matter-of-factually that the costume designer would have to be contacted. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to learn that she has one week to make a costume for a man who was hired well over a month ago. So what if she’s never even laid eyes on him?

Considering the number of replacements we’ve had on this show, you’d think there’d be enough random bits of costume kicking around to cobble something together. I’m not entirely sure if I’m joking or not…


UPDATE! Turns out he would not have a costume made for him. N wore a pair of his own pants. But he did get a bow tie so, you know. Bow tie.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Another Year Already

I can hardly believe it, but today marks the four year anniversary of when I first got hired by my circus.

Oddly enough, tomorrow the cast that will be staying on will begin a period of research for the new show. It's so nice when meaningful dates come together and kick you in the teeth a little bit.

Happy Anniversary, Career...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Out With the Old...

...in with the new!

Happy New Year!