Saturday, October 1, 2011

Les Journées de la Culture 2011

Holy smokes! How could I forget this?

Ladies and gents, if you're in Montreal this weekend, or anywhere in the province of Quebec for that matter, you need to get your butt into town for the 15th anniversary of Les Journées de la culture! It runs from, um, yesterday, until tomorrow!

What is Les Journées de la culture, exactly? Just what the name suggests. Three days of committed to providing greater access to art and culture to all! There are numerous free activities so that citizens can explore the hidden side of art and culture. There are workshops, demonstrations, guided tours and performances.

So says their website:

"Long considered to be the most important movement for the democratization of culture in North America, the concept of the Journées de la culture was used as inspiration and today extends throughout Canada under the name the Culture Days which will hold its 2nd edition with the same dates as the Journées de la culture."

How awesome is that? Go Quebec!

So if you're looking for something fun to do this weekend, look no further. I know that Cirque du Soleil always participates, and the National Circus School of Montreal opens its doors to the public for tours, and performances by this year's third year students. Eloize usually participates as well, often by offering free 'classes'.

The Journées de la culture website provides a nifty search engine for finding activities based on your interests.

Now get out there and access yourself some art and culture!

By the way, these really awesome images are from Journées de la culture 2008, but they are my all time favourites (I actually have the viking poster at home) and I just had to dig them up so that more people could experience their awesomeness.

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