Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Getting Close to Go Time!

And so, my month and a half long break is almost at a close. I didn't train all that much and spent a lot of time running around town getting various scans and x-rays to try and determine the source of my back and hip pain. They jury is still out on that one.

Sunday marked the first ever training session on my brand new wheel! She's gorgeous and exactly what you would expect from a Zimmermann. Unexpected, however, was not having my straps with me. While disapointing, it wasn't the end of the world. I have a number of training sessions this week, and considering the bulk of my act is straight lines, it was good to spend the time on a couple of figures that have been giving me trouble.

One thing I was not prepared for was adjusting to the floor. ENC has always been my main training space and is where I've logged the most hours. However, a year of working on wood floors has clearly marked me. The floor at ENC is concrete covered in a thick rubber and really isn't ideal for wheel. It's too soft and the wheel has a tendency to sink and lose speed. Wood is much firmer and faster. Suddenly, I'm finding myself working much harder than I should be to get the height and speed I need to pull off my tricks. By the time I get properly adjusted to this floor, I'll have to get used to the theatre floor in Blagnac (our next stop on the tour). Fortunately, I know my "home" floor isn't too far beyond my reach. We'll be back under the big top at the end of March.

One week from tomorrow I'll be on a plane to France. A few days later, the second year of the tour officially begins! I wonder what adventures this crazy world of circus has in store?

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