Tuesday, February 23, 2010

La Trame

In an earlier post I mentioned that after months of seeing various specialists and undergoing numerous tests only to receive inconclusive results, I would be trying a form of alternative medicine.

Well, today was the day. The alternative medicine in question? La Trame.

In a nutshell, La Trame dislodges whatever masses or blocks that may be preventing the natural flow of the body's energy. I already use EFT on a regular basis and have had excellent results. I know that a more spiritual approach to health may not appeal to everyone, so I'm not going to go into detail about the technique. If you are interested, do check out the links above.

What I would like to talk about, however, is my experience with the treatment. This will undoubtedly be an ongoing subject as the effects of any given treatment manifest themselves over 21 days.

The treatment was all about what I felt, and what I didn't feel. I'm pretty sure I was awake the entire time, but it really felt as though I was drifting in and out of... well, consciousness seems a little dramatic, so I'll just say that it felt like I was drifting about. Conversely, my body felt like it weighed a million pounds.

The most interesting feeling was the inability to feel my hands. I'm not saying they were numb. My legs tingled, my lips tingled, but my hands? It was like I didn't even have any. I seriously felt like there was just empty space at the end of my wrists!

As for my back, there were moments where I felt pain, there were moments where I felt no pain, and there were moments where the pain traveled to different places and seemed to condense.

Oh! The craziest bit besides the no-hands? At one point, I felt as though my breath was happening from a small hole in my sternum! It was as though there was a thick filter, like a scotch bright pad and it was actually a bit difficult to breathe.

Interestingly, just yesterday I realized that the two periods where the pain was most severe (the fall and now) coincide with a particularly difficult situation in my personal life. There's a very good chance that the pain is linked to that.

How do I feel right now? Well, I can tell you that my back does indeed feel better. Plus, I feel happier, calmer and just plain lighter than I have in quite some time. I'm very curious to see what other changes occur over the next three weeks. Too bad I won't be in town for another treatment until the summer.

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