Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Colour Purple

It should be common knowledge by now that, for me, one the most important aspects of any space we perform in is the floor. So it may surprise you to hear that I haven't a single complaint against this floor. In fact, it is by far the best floor I have ever performed on anywhere. It's super solid, perfectly level and for the most part, I don't even have to try. Everything just works. I'm so sad that we only had four shows here.

It turns out that this particular floor wasn't always like this. But there was a horse show in the theatre and the stage had to be reinforced in order to support the weight of the horses. So just a note to every other theatre out there: horse proof your floors! It's awesome!

Of course, no matter how good something is. There's always a catch. Fortunately for me, this catch doesn't really bother me at all.

You see, for some reason, when they redid the floor for the horses, they choose to colour it with a dye that can't come in contact with water. If it does, all the dye comes off. This is bothersome for our show since we fling paint everywhere. Only the theatre people neglected to tell our technicians that little tidbit until after they started washing the floor... oops...

But more than that, anyone who walks around barefoot on stage ends up with purple feet.

And it doesn't wash off.

Like I said, it doesn't really bother me, and compared to some, my feet aren't even all that purple. Not like M who walks around barefoot while soaking wet. Not only has the dye stained his feet, but he has left permanent footprints backstage where the dye has come off!

It's not quite as glamorous as the Walk of Fame, but at least now we can say we've truly left our mark.

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