Saturday, April 21, 2012

World Circus Day is Here Again!

It's World Circus Day! If you've found your way to my blog today, you're already off to a good start! Last year I suggested all kinds of ways to celebrate. And while I still think the best possible way to celebrate would be to attend an event near you, a close second would be to cozy up with a circus inspired film! I've featured a couple so far this month and would like to add the 1956 classic Trapeze to the list of films every circus fan should see.

But because today is a special day, I have a special surprise for you! If you don't have the time or energy to find a circus film to view, look no further. Today, for your viewing and circus pleasure, I present Charlie Chaplin's The Circus!

The next seven parts are after the jump. Enjoy!


  1. Happy Circus Day to you too!
    I celebrated by attempting my first drop to ankle hang from standing on the swinging trapeze!

    Hmmmm........ its need alot more work though! (and maybe some new skin for my hands)

    Have a great day! :)

  2. Thank you so much!

    Sounds like a great move and a great way to celebrate! I ran my act twice, cold. I am wickedly out of shape and have an audition Monday. Let's see if you can get you some new skin, and me some better working lungs!
