Thursday, November 15, 2012

Unexpected Reactions

When we first arrived in Paris and word got out that I wouldn’t be doing extensions, I expected backlash from my colleagues. Oddly enough, one person thanked me because he felt it meant that there would be no extensions. Everyone else seemed to understand. At least that’s what they said to me.

Then, when the possibility of extensions was revived and I was still putting up a fight, I thought for sure I would get an earful. In the past, I’ve heard the unkind conversations about others who have stood their ground about being paid for their work. Only what ended up happening is that, during the meeting, people started sticking up for me. They started saying how it would be so strange without me. Or that it really would be better to finish all together. That afternoon, another colleague said that I couldn’t be replaced. And right before the show, on the day of the infamous meeting, the guitarist came up to me and said he was so happy I would be staying after all. I told him it wasn’t settled just yet. Then he said that he hoped I would. The show wouldn’t be the same without me, and that without my act, the show wouldn’t be as good. And a friend who saw the show that night said it would take two people to replace me with all I do. I took that to be a huge compliment.

For so long I have heard from my bosses, specifically the tour director and the director, that I can be replaced*, that we’re all replaceable... and suddenly I seem to be a genuinely important part of this show... it’s a pity I didn’t feel this way until so late in the game. But I’m glad it’s happening before I go.

* Many months ago, we were asked our opinion about playing a certain set of dates. The dates we’re playing now, actually. I said I didn’t want to and the tour director told me to just leave. My act took up only a small place in the show, and yeah, there were a couple of other parts, but they would just replace me. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel satisfied that those remarks have come back to bite him in the ass.

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