Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Curse

So, my circus has a bit of a curse. I’ve thought so for ages, but never bothered to mention it. Which, in retrospect, is pretty odd. But with A’s injury fresh on my mind, I can no longer look the other way.

Working for this company is back breaking. Literally.

I know that bad backs are pretty common. And you’d think that in the circus that’s just something that comes with the territory. And while I do know people with bad backs in the circus, I feel that things like bad wrists, knees, or shoulders are far more common.

And you would think that maybe one or two people might have a bad back. But it seems like here bad backs are just the status quo.

I developed a mysterious back injury just months after I started working here. And not during shows, but during the summer break. Despite many tests and doctors, no one could diagnose anything. It’s not as bad as it was a few years ago, but it hasn't healed.

And now, with just days to go, A is barely able to put on his own pants his back hurts so much. He was fine when we left in November. How did this happen?

He and I are just another couple of names on the long list of those whose backs were broken while passing through this big top.

And the curse goes on...

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