Sunday, June 30, 2013

Great, Just Great

It was a beautiful, sunny day. So naturally, the tent flooded.

Wait, what?

It would appear that the lot we're currently occupying is not only covered in elephant poop, but also has incredibly poor drainage. It would seem that every so often the ground just can't take it anymore and regurgitates whatever water it managed to absorb.

The best part is that it wasn't the area around the tent that flooded, not the area around the caravans or any of the trucks. Nope. Just the inside of the tent, right around the backstage and performance area. A week later and it is still soaking wet backstage. There are puddles right next to the extension of the stage. Sure, they put down more sawdust, more carpets, even the plastic tiles they use in particularly muddy places. But it's made no difference. It is a million degrees and sunny and we have a soaking wet steam bath inside the tent. It ain't pretty.

I try not to think about what build down is going to be like. Normally the bottom layer is tarps, then sawdust (if needed) and then carpets. We take away the carpets and then shift all the sawdust onto one tarp for easy clean up. But this place saw sawdust go directly on the ground, then tarps, then more sawdust, then carpets, then flooding, so more sawdust, new carpets and then tiles and lord knows what else... It's going to be a mess. Let's just hope nothing else goes wrong in the remaining week on this site!

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