Monday, June 3, 2013


One fun thing about my circus is that it offers free postcards that the public can fill out and the circus will then mail on their behalf. The office staff goes through the postcards to make sure no rude messages go out as the image on the card is the poster of the show and doubles as publicity.

And so one cool, rainy Swiss day, one of the chaps at the office came across a postcard threatening to blow up the circus.

As horrifying as that sounds, it should be noted that the threat was allegedly made by Osma Bin Laden, so... maybe not too serious? Nevertheless, the director of the circus was notified and he said that protocol dictates that the police be notified.

That's when two of Biel's finest arrived on bicycles.

Take that, Bin Laden!

The threat really was taken seriously, though. Images of the card were sent to the highest levels and supposedly a writing analysis was done. Basically it was the bosses of the bike cops who would decide whether there would be a show, or if the entire tent would need to be evacuated.

Many coffees at the buffet tent later, the bike cops informed the circus that the threat probably wasn't legitimate and that the show, already underway, could go on.

It was only the following day that anyone mentioned this to me, and even then, we (the artists) weren't supposed to know.

Feel free to make your own explosion related pun.

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