Monday, April 5, 2010

No Rest for the Wicked, Part III

The evil flu that has the circus in its grip has struck again. This time, bright and early Easter morning. And you know that means... right before a matinee!


"Ug" would be the sound that various acrobats, musicians and technicians make as they groggily make their way into the Chapiteau to rearrange the show, yet again.

We prepared for the worst. Once again it was one of the acrobats that got sick. Only L does a solo trampoline number, a hand to hand number and is the work horse in the group trampoline act. We were going to have a hell of a time replacing her on such short notice. There was talk of canceling the show.

Fortunately, women are made of tougher things than men folk. You see, unlike A who missed a couple of shows, C did her act when she was sick, and L did both trampoline numbers despite having spent the entire night with the porcelain princess. I think it's fair to say that she is the definition of hardcore. She did, however, skip the hand to hand act because barfing on her partner's face would have been rude.


That meant coming up with a new transition between my act and... I don't even know any more. The show just keeps changing... whatever came next, we made a new transition into it. The joke was that we shouldn't make it too good or the director would want to keep it.

The show went reasonably well. I was preoccupied during my act because I kept thinking about the new transition that was coming up next. There was confusion during the straps act over who was doing what manipulation when, plus other assorted scramblings.

Here's hoping that tomorrow everyone arrives with digestive systems under control, body temperatures normal, and all fingers and toes accounted for.

* If you can't read the text on the image, it says: "Fact: Girls are tougher than tigers."

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