Friday, February 25, 2011

The Plot Thickens...

As I've mentioned, I'm on the job hunt. So it may surprise you to learn that I've ignored a couple of e-mails from a French television program. It's one of those talent shows and they wanted me to apply. I suspect they just contacted a bunch of circus artists, but still, I made it onto the list.

Then yesterday I received a bait lined e-mail via Facebook.

"Hello, my name is So-and-so and I'm a journalist for Such-and-such media and would like to get in contact with you. If you have a moment, please call."

A quick Google search proved the media company was legit, and surprise surprise, there was some footage from that very same talent show.

At this point it would have been foolish not to follow-up. The Universe only throws you so many bones before it shrugs its shoulders and moves on.

Long story short, the production team has viewed my material and would like to meet with me in April. Only there's one catch: filming is in June and we have dates booked on the tour.

At this point, I thought all hope was lost. But after a wake-up phone call this morning (far earlier than I would have liked, I might add) I think I may have a way to make it all work out.

The hard part will be to convince my company to play along...

Stay tuned as our story unravels!

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