Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hot Hot Heat

We are back beneath the big top and the big yellow tent has been joined by a second yellow giant: the sun.

Holy mother of hot... I had forgotten what it's like to perform sous chapiteau come summer time. And while it may only be the beginning of May, summer is definitely here. The past few days have seen temperatures in the high twenties. I'm from Canada. To me, 30C is unbearable. So the high twenties is about as much as I can take.

Inside the tent however, is another story. There isn't even a hint of shade near the tent (or any of the caravans for that matter) so come show time it feels like you've walked into an oven. And don't even think about training during the day.

The juggler has sweat dripping off his face during his act and you can literally wring out his costume after the show. I'd forgotten just how hard it is to do wheel when it gets this hot. No matter what I do, some part of me ends up sticking to the wheel. I either get stuck or thrown off balance as a result. I've been covering myself with talc before my act, but apparently not enough. Every time I go on, my wheel finds some new, unpowdered, bit of skin to adhere to.

But I suspect that the audience has it worst of all. The temperature at the top of the bleachers during the day can easily climb into to the 50C range. It cools down by showtime, but it's still hot up there. And you know that body heat of the thousand or so people seated in the stands isn't helping.

Today is overcast and I must admit, I'm kind of relieved by the drop in temperature. Don't tell my cast-mates, but I kind of hope this keeps up!

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