Friday, June 18, 2010

Tonight for Dinner: Coq au Vin

Cock-a-doodle-do? Try cock-a-doodle-don't.

As I mentioned in the previous post, we had some neighbors during the final days in Elbeuf. While their horses were swell, their rooster was considerably less amusing.

Sure, the first day, the day they arrived, he seemed all right. Strutting around, showing off the plumage, you know, rooster stuff.

But the following morning...

You're probably thinking, "So the rooster crowed, so what?"

If you've ever had any first hand experience with a rooster, you would know that a rooster won't just crow once, or even strictly at dawn. Roosters will crow whenever they damn well please. But not even that was the problem.

You see, this rooster had a ritual. And that ritual is that every morning, he goes to each and every single caravan and provides a personal wake-up call. There are at least 20 caravans on site. T even witnessed that the rooster was directly under what would have been M and L's bed when he started to crow for them.

Needless to say, no one was amused.

Our maintenance man politely asked if they wouldn't mind locking up their goddamn rooster the following evening. Maybe that's why they left us with a pile of manure.

Wanted: Dead or... dead.

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