Friday, November 19, 2010

Diva Cup

This is one of those posts that begins with various euphemisms meant to spare the menfolk squeamish feelings and warn them that they may not wish to proceed further with this post because of the content the aforementioned euphemisms refer to.

Understand, squeamish menfolk?


Moving on...

The Diva Cup is a menstrual cup and particularly awesome alternative to more mainstream menstrual products like pads and tampons.

Before making the move to France* to go work for my circus, C and I decided that we would switch to Diva Cups. We had both been considering it for a while but were too chicken (or perhaps squeamish) to go for it on our own. But by making a pact to switch over at the same time, we would at least have some kind of warped buddy system to fall back on should we get discouraged.

As it turns out, that was completely unnecessary. The Diva Cup is absolutely amazing, has completely changed my relationship with my menstrual cycle and since switching to the Diva Cup, I have never looked back. Moreover, for a circus artist, it is incredibly convenient and means no more worrying about leaks or visible strings etc... during training or performance.

There are about a billion reasons to switch.
  • The Diva Cup will save you a butt load of money and pays itself off very quickly (Mine was about $38 CND).
  • By using a Diva Cup, you're eliminating tonnes of waste you would otherwise be sending to a landfill over your lifetime.
“According to waste consultant Franklin Associates, 6.5 billion tampons and 13.5 billion sanitary pads, plus their packaging, ended up in landfills or sewer systems in 1998. And according to the Center for Marine Conservation, over 170,000 tampon applicators were collected along U.S. coastal areas between 1998 and 1999.” - Environment Magazine, Inner Sanctum
  • Tampons dry out your vagina and also, most tampons are made with bleached cotton and have other chemicals (like chlorine dioxide, a known carcinogen!) present as well. Why on Earth would you willingly put something like that in your body? The Diva Cup, on the other hand, is made with medical grade silicone.
  • With the Diva Cup, there is no risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome.
  • You never have to travel with a massive supply of 'supplies'.
  • You only need to change it every 12 hours, and even then, its no big deal if your late. The main factor, I think, is how heavy your flow is. I've changed it once a day with no problems. If you have a heavier flow, you may need to change it more often.
  • Amazingly, the use of a Diva Cup can diminish certain unpleasant symptoms of your period like cramps.
  • Many women with endometriosis have reported amazing success, and even some relief, thanks to the use of menstrual cups. Chemicals in tampons have been known to worsen the effects of endometriosis.
  • If you're athletic or like things like camping, this is the bees knees!
  • When inserted properly, no leaks. Ever.
  • No gross string and no embarrassing string incidents.
  • Basically, I don't even notice I'm on my period any more.
And that's just what comes to mind right now! I'm sure the website lists many other great reasons to switch over.

So you think you're ready to switch over to the Diva Cup? Go here to locate the store nearest you! If there isn't one, go to your pharmacy and see if they can order you one. They should be able to do this without problem.

I know this sounds like some horrible product placement, but this really is an amazing and life changing product that is better for the environment, your health and your wallet.

Still not convinced? Perhaps this awesome squid shaped menstrual cup holder will change your mind.

Find instructions on making your own here!

* Fun anecdote: right before leaving for France, and the first time using the cup, I sliced off a huge chunk of my thumb with a mandolin. I really don't recommend doing that.


  1. hello! squid?! i'm on it! I've been using The Keeper (same as the Diva cup, different brand) for over 10 years now and couldn't be happier! really - any woman who is reading this blog and is not planning on going out to buy a menstrual cup this weekend - i urge you to reconsider. it will truly change your life.

    change. your. life.

    since i had my first baby, i've found i have to empty the cup more often (combination of heavier flow and changed shape and muscle tone in that area) - which is a bit of a bummer after years being able to go out all day and not worry about it.

    i'm glad you jumped on the menstrual cup bandwagon, D-dog. it's a great place to be!

  2. Okay, you having been on the cup for more than 10 years and not telling me about aside, you're hardcore enough a knitter to make that squid?


  3. i'm not sure that i am that hardcore of a knitter/have the time and dedication to knit much of anything these days with a preggo belly and a toddler in tow...but knitting some sort of creature for my keeper sounds like an amazing idea.
    but such issues aside: when i started using the keeper i emailed EVERY woman in my address book singing it's praises and my excitement...i'm sorry that this information evaded you all those years ago. i owe you.

  4. I've been thinking of switching. The squid makes it cute! Great idea!

  5. I really want to make that squid, but for some reason, when I click on the 'here' button for instructions, it won't let me. It says I need to be invited =[

    1. Hm... I seem to be having the same problem. When I wrote the post you could access the link. I'm not sure why you now need permission. I guess you'll have to contact the blog author and ask permission. Good luck!

  6. Thank you for shedding light on the benefits of using aarya's reusable menstrual cups. I've been using one for several months now, and the experience has been revolutionary. Not only are these cups eco-friendly by significantly reducing waste, but they also offer comfort and convenience that disposable products simply can't match.
