Monday, November 29, 2010

The Jinx

When I was a kid, there was this rather terrible educational program that I really enjoyed called Adventures in Wonderland. You know, adolescent main character has a problem, has an adventure with a gaggle of zany friends, learns a lesson, roll credits.

The reason I mention this program is because almost 20 years later there is one piece of dialogue that has remained lodged in my brain and it just so happens to be the perfect segue into the actual topic of this post.

"Once is a coincidence. Twice is a coincidence. Ten times is a coincidence! But three times? Definitely not a coincidence."

Every time I have come home during a break from my circus I have developed some mysterious injury. I say 'mysterious injury' because these injuries always seem to manifest themselves when I stop training and stop performing. This is incredibly frustrating because at least if I was training and, say, fell on my head, I could easily explain the cause of my injury.

But the mysterious back problem? That started while I was sitting in a car.

My neck injury? Well, okay, I'm pretty sure I know what caused that (hey there, trampo-wall), but the pain waited until I was on vacation before it really settled in.

Now that I'm back in Montreal, and only for three weeks I might add, a brand new development has decided to make my life unpleasant and fill me with fear: numbness.

Yes, I know, it sounds harmless. But when it starts in one arm, then spreads to the other, then a few days later a leg, and then (wait for it) the other leg, well... to say that I am concerned is an understatement. Especially since neck and back pain have joined the party. And it's a swinging party. It wakes me up at night so that I don't miss out.

Third stint home, third type of injury, third time's a charm...

Personally, I think its a jinx.

I come home, I hurt. It's not like I don't have time off from the show while I'm in France. Because I do, and generally speaking, it doesn't leave me whimpering in pain in the corner. I get to Montreal and BAM! Tears and emergency visits to the doctor.

The good news is that I somehow managed to get an MRI appointment before I head back to France. Anyone familiar with the health care system in Quebec will know that this is a bloody miracle. Also, when I went to the hospital, they gave me drugs. And those drugs are making me feel better.

Now let's hope I can also get some answers followed by some good news...

* I can't mention an embarrassing television program and not link to it, can I? Have fun...

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