Sunday, February 5, 2012

Scout's Honour

I'm a big fan of scouting. While I might have been a Brownie, and a Girl Guide, my real love of scouting comes from my brother. Growing up, he was my ultimate idol. And he was a hardcore scout. I could brag about him for ages, but that's a story for another time.

Why am I talking about scouting on a circus blog? Because of this:

That's right! You can earn a merit badge in circus!

To gain the Circus Skills Activity Badge you complete the following requirements:
  1. Select one skill from any two of the five alternatives below. Under experienced guidance, show by continuing effort some achievement in the two selected skills. Demonstrate the two selected skills before an audience.
    1. aerial: trapeze, roman rings, aerial ladder, aerial rope, wire walking or related skills
    2. balance: trick-cycling, stilts, ladder, tightrope, wire walking, perch, roller bolo, slack-rope
    3. manipulative: plate spinning, cigar boxes, club swinging, devil sticks, diablo sticks, juggling
    4. ground: handstands, tumbling, acrobatics
    5. clowning: including make-up and costume
  2. Find out about aspects of circus life, and discuss these with an adult.
  3. Observe at least two circus or street performers events and discuss these.
I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure I'm a shoe-in for this badge. Now I just need to go find my old sashes...

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