Its wee, but its home.
For some reason mine is one of the only caravans that doesn't have running water, but I suppose if I put up a fuss, that could change. I'm just not that fussy. And for a good reason. In my caravan, I have the two things that make everything just dandy.
I have a chamber pot, and I have a kettle.
But not just any chamber pot, and not just any kettle. No, no. I have the biggest freaking pee bucket you have ever seen ("It was all they had!" our handy man assures me) and I have a princess kettle from outer space (also the last one they had).
First, the chamber pot. Up until very recently, I would get up between two and five times a night to use the facilities. Two and five times. Its bad enough in an actual house that is warm, and where the loo is but steps away. But when hitting up the can means having to bundle up, go outside in the cold, cold night and make the trek to the equally cold, cold bathroom? A few times a night? That, my friend, is beyond lame.
Of course, having to schlep your elephant sized pee bucket across the site in order to empty and clean it every morning is a might embarrassing. But with the exception of that last sentence, I'm not complaining.
Behold! The pee bucket, in all its glory!
I threw in the roll of tp for perspective.
Then there is my kettle. My glorious, wondrous, Princess Kettle from Outer Space (so named by a dear friend and colleague). The reasons for having a kettle are numerous and obvious, so there's really no need to go into them here. But I suspect you may be wondering why my kettle is so damned amazing. Well...
My kettle is a sexy stainless steel number, with a slightly rocket shaped body. I might only see that last bit because of the space kettle thing. One really cool feature of this kettle is that is has a little window that lets you see the water inside it boiling. But that's not the best part. The best part is that when you turn it on, that little window lights up a crazy electric blue! When the water starts to boil you can see all the crazy bubbles, lit up in their glory. Its like the kettle thinks its part lava lamp.
Already, there's nothing like a steaming cup of tea. But when every cup of tea you make is a party? That's what I'm talking about.
The above photo hardly does my kettle justice. But trust me on this one. My kettle is the bees knees.
Thanks for pointing me in the direction of this wonderful blog, d-dog! i will enjoy continuing to read about your adventures and reflections. Caravan dwelling French Circus performer vs housewife. Our lives could not be more different. How wonderful!