Monday, February 11, 2013

The Directors

I am completely smitten with our directors. It’s only been a couple of days, and I’m sure there will be moments where smitten is the furthest word on my list of descriptives, but right now, smitten.

They just seem really down to earth, a little silly, and have managed to strike a great balance of “one of the gang” and “boss”. I really like their approach to creation. So far we haven’t done anything specific to the show, just lots of games. They’re taking the time to let us get to know each other, feel comfortable as a group, and most importantly feel comfortable being stupid in front of the group. Being stupid seems to be one of their key elements of creation. D1 often tells us not to be afraid to be stupid, or to produce something shitty. Because even though 90% of what we come up with might be garbage, that other 10% makes a brilliant show. But you’ve got to get through that other 90% as well.

And I absolutely love that they participate in all the exercises and games with us. It makes such a difference. I guess it’s the difference between a team and a coach, and a team and their team captain. We’ll see how things evolve, but for now, I’m very pleased with the structure and method.

But the coolest thing of all is that we were each given (directors included) three coupons that we can use at any time during rehearsal. These coupons entitle us to walk out of rehearsal for half an hour, without having to give any explanation, should ever we be on the verge of a meltdown, panic attack, or blind rage. Billiant.

So far it’s all be fun and games. I’m curious to see how things progress.

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