Wednesday, March 24, 2010

La Trame

Back in February, I had mentioned going in for a La Trame treatment. While some effects were immediate, the treatment works over 21 days so I wasn't really in a position to go into much detail about the effects of the treatment.

March 15th was the 21 day mark, and let me tell you, I was not disappointed. Not only were the effects noticeable, they were pretty monumental.

As I mentioned in a previous post, when I arrived in Blagnac after a month-and-a-half hiatus, I suddenly found myself free of fear or nervousness when performing my act. Moreover, I felt incredibility grounded. I felt extremely open, giving, and easily able to connect to the audience. I smiled more and more naturally that I ever had before. I felt so at ease on stage and each performance was truly a joy to do. Even technically I felt lighter, smoother and more like an aerialist that and an acrobat. And the best part? It wasn't a one shot deal. Night after night, I was able to perform in this free and easy way.

Circus being what it is, it didn't last forever, but the rock is still there.

The other major effect, which I am still amazed by, is my ability to cope. Often, when something stressful happens, or I am upset or deeply troubled by something, that one negative emotion will often consume me. I won't be able to think of much else, let alone be able to function fully in other settings. Now, I find myself able to separate myself from my troubles and I really be in the present moment. When I'm with other people, I'm really with them and not brooding. I can be genuinely happy and succeed in detaching myself from whatever is bothering me. Not only that, the things that do weigh me down, weigh me down considerably less.

I'm looking forward to being back in Montreal for another treatment!

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