Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Artists vs. Gymnasts

One criticism I sometimes get from the director of my circus is that I look too much like a gymnast, that what I do is a little too sport like. That really bothers me. Just because I do difficult skills and make a point of doing them well doesn’t make me a gymnast. Being a circus artist doesn’t mean a bent legged free for all! But having heard it so much, I began to take it to heart.

Well, now that I’ve been to Worlds I can assure you that I am no gymnast on my wheel. I am a bonafide circus artist.

I admit I had a rather negative preconception of the type of choreography that wheel gymnasts do. I expected it to be slightly better than artist gymnastics, but still very flowery, very posed, boring, slow and without heart.

When I arrived in Baar, I saw a number of gymnasts do their straight line routines and hoestly, they made my jaw drop. Not because of the skills (well, also because of the skills) but because of the originality, the complexity and the beauty of their movements. If I had had a hat, I’d have eaten it.

Sadly, when it came to the finals (I missed most of the qualifying routines as I was busy fretting over my own routine) I realized that my first impression was closer to the truth. Yes, the Japanese (the men more than the women) are very fun and exciting to watch. But save for a handful of truly exceptional gymnasts, it was routine after routine of overly balletic arms and little knee kicks.

The current straight line champion

I’d have to say that it’s really in the choreography that you see who is simply skilled, and who is truly great. Cecile Meschberger of Switzerland, for example, has to be the most exciting and technically bad ass person I have ever seen on a wheel. She was straight line champion in 2007 and (in my opinion) was robbed of the top spot this year by a mind numbingly boring and 'safe' routine out of Germany.

I know that in this context, German wheel is a sport and not an art. But it’s those who can bring grace and artistry to their sport that add the most to it. It’s those who take risks and dare to be innovative who bring it to the next level. And while these rare exceptions of gymnasts may consider themselves gymnasts, in my mind they are great masters and great artists.

Hey everyone! This is the last post about the World Championships! In a few minutes I'll be heading off to La Rochelle for the next leg of this crazy adventure! A plus!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like worlds have been quite an experience! i'm so happy that you were there to represent our Country. way to put the rad in rhoen...
