Monday, May 11, 2009

Sloppy Seconds

As I've mentioned previously, there is always a risk of the second and third night being less than stellar. I finally understand that a lot of that comes the release of doing the show for the first time and giving the accumulated fatigue a crack to slip through. Needless to say, nights two and three were a little soft, and a little slow.

The second night, I made so many mistakes in my number, I couldn't believe it. They were mostly little errors, many of which I've never made before. Never the less, I was very pleased with the work that I did. Not the number, but the work. And it was work.

That second night, I worked at being an artist and a professional. Perfection, while perhaps the objective, will never actually be reached. And so, despite the many, many difficulties that came my way, I worked through them. Hid them with elegant manipulations and a smile. Its true, there were two moments where I think I let the difficulty show in my face, but only for a moment. Like I said, it was work, but really good work. So even though it was far from what I expect of myself, I am still pleased and proud of the steps that I took. That's a very positive thing.

Unfortunately, the third night was just bad. While there were fewer mistakes, it was just a hard number. I had an actual fall and really struggled. I still did the work, but I must admit, I couldn't help but wonder if I can do this. Night after night for the next four years...

One show left before a couple of days off. We'll see what happens.

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