Monday, May 18, 2009

Deep Breaths...

On Saturday I presented my routine for Worlds to the troupe (complete with leotard). I didn't want to do it. I almost canceled the presentation because I didn't feel like I was ready. It was only the third time I ever tried to run it and the two times before, I didn't even manage to complete the routine.

It got off to a rocky start. Two rocky starts, in fact. I started over three times and it was only on the third try that I figured out how to keep going if I mess up the first move. So that's pretty damn positive! After that, it went really well.

I'm actually really, really glad I did it. I was feeling so discouraged and so unprepared, but now I feel like I can head over to Switzerland with a bit of confidence! Plus, everyone in the troupe is being super supportive and they all seem really excited about it. In fact, the other night, a woman came up to me after the show saying how she had just spoken with the director and that he had told her I was going to Worlds! I think everyone feels kind of proud to have a "World Champion" in the troupe.

I, for one, know I'm not going to win anything and that I'm not actually a World Champion. I'm not going there to win. I'm going for the experience, to have fun, and quite frankly, the fact that I even qualify is enough for me! That doesn't change the fact that I have the technicians telling me I'd better bring back a medal. Or that my coach mentioned that he'd really like to be able to put that he coached a world champion on his CV. I mean, I know they're just kidding around and that they're really showing their support, but it does feel like pressure none the less.

Oh! And did I mention that the technical director embroidered a Canada jacket for me? Because he did, and its made entirely out of awesome! And did I mention that the technicians wrote "World Champion" on my wheel case before they packed it into the truck? Because, being sweet like they are, they did.

All that's left to do is get on the train to Switzerland! Wish me luck!

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